Monday, January 27, 2014


DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a New Year's resolution.

I really need to kick it into gear when it comes to photography, so I'm going to try to do a project every month. Hopefully I can continue this for many years, not just one.

At this very moment, I'm designing the layout for a magazine page (tomorrow I'll take the pictures.) I'm very excited as well as very nervous about this project. I've never done anything this big before. So much pressure, but so much reward.

Next month I'm finally going to buy a good camera from my friend. Depending if top secret people message me back, I'll be able to start either the project I'm going to do based off Eugene Richards or Larry Sultan. If top secret people don't message me back, I'll either do the collaboration I have lined up or do a project with cyanotype and other alternative processes.

That's basically it; I just wanted to update you guys on what was going on. Until next time.

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