Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Leykis Listener Party

I've been listening to The Tom Leykis Show since I was about 5 years old. I know, shocking right. My mom used to listen to the show when she picked my brother and I up from our dad's, when she dropped us off, during road trips -- basically whenever he was on, she was listening. That's how I was introduced to the professor at such a young age. Sadly he went off air in 2009 so I had to wait until April 2, 2012 for his return...

BUT IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT!! Seriously, The Tom Leykis Show has never been better. Not just because he can now say "fuck" either. He can now do topics that he could NEVER do on radio, take unscreened calls, do the show when/how he wants to (such as from the 405 freeway), and so much more. In celebration of the show's one year anniversary, the first listener party in FOUR years was held on April 8th at the Laugh Factory in Long Beach, CA.

Photo credit: twitter's @samcontreras

P1s officially started lining up at 12:00pm, knowing the doors wouldn't open until 7:00pm. I showed up at 2:00pm and brought food for my friend who was there since 1:00pm (he was second in line). Ted from Phoenix provided all the early birds with beer after beer after beer. 

Party bus arrives!
Leykis surrounded by Leykettes
Standing ovation
Gary Zabransky, Dino DeMilio and Art Webb gave a quick introduction before Leykis took the stage. Leykis thanked everyone and then went on an awesome rant about how a radio executive tried to screw him over and made fun of his "little internet show." At the end of his rant, Leykis proudly shouted "KLOS would give their left fucking nut for a crowd like this!"

The entire crew AND advertisers were surrounded by fans asking for photos and autographs. I asked Tom and Art to sign what little boobs I have and then had Gary and Dino sign my leg. P1s who saw the signatures got super excited and asked if they can take pictures of them and some even took pictures with me.

Myself and Art, signatures slightly visible
At the end of the night, everyone was given a Leykis 101 Diploma that each crew member signed. I seriously fucking LOVE the diploma, so much so that I'm going to frame it and proudly place it next to my other awards (which include my president's award for educational achievement).

This was my first listener party and it certainly will not be my last.


I sent Tom 69 photos from the party and he just posted them all to blowmeuptom.com/listener-party-pics/


  1. tell the professor to fix his website. unreadable red letters on black

    1. "That happens only occasionally if you read it on the phone. We're aware of it."
      -Tom Leykis
